167 research outputs found

    Estimation of suspendent sediment concentration using acoustic methods

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Civil Engineering, Izmir, 2009Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 64-68)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishix, 71 leavesAcoustic Doppler current meters (ADCP, ADP, and ADV) can provide information about the suspended sediment concentration (SSC) in the water; although, they are designed for flow velocity measurements. Contrary to conventional samplers, those are labor intensive for measuring SSC, when an acoustic instrument is calibrated for a water system; no additional sensor is needed to measure SSC, enabling the researchers to measure velocity and concentration simultaneously which is required for most sediment transport studies. Recently, the acoustic instruments are investigated in different studies where signal to noise ratio (SNR) and SSC were related using different formulations. However, these studies were limited to single study site where neither the effect of particle size nor the effect of temperature was investigated. In the scope of this study, different parameters that affect the ADV.s performance prediction of SSC were investigated. In order to investigate the reliability of ADV in different environments, SSC measurements were made in different streams. Soil samples were collected from all measuring stations and particle size analysis was conducted. The multivariate data analysis was applied to the measurements to derive a relation formula between SNR and SSC. Multivariate analysis indicated that reported SSC values depended on at least three parameters; water temperature, mean diameter of the soil, and shape of the particle size distribution curve. Also, effect of high SSC conditions on ADV performance was investigated during and after rain events. Results indicated that ADV was not capable of measuring SSC when a limit concentration (SSC>400 mg/l) was exceeded

    Küreselleşme ve Yükseköğretim

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    Phenolic composition, antioxidant, antibacterial, larvacidal against Culex pipiens, and cytotoxic activities of Hyacinthella lineata steudel extracts

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    This study reports the phenolic composition, antioxidant, antibacterial, larvacidal, and cytotoxic activity of methanol and acetone extracts of Hyacinthella lineata leaves and bulbs. The phenolic composition of H. lineata was determined by HPLC. The most abundant component was gallic acid (421.9µg/g). The β-carotene/DPPH/ABTS/FRAP decoloration method was used to estimate the total antioxidant activity. The total antioxidant activity was the highest for bulb-methanol fraction (65.41 ± 0.05%). The total phenolic content for leaves-methanol extract of the plant was determined as 6.56 ± 4.027mg/mL gallic acid equivalents. Analysis of the antibacterial activity showed that the methanolic-bulb extract are efficient against gram positive and gram negative bacteria. The cytotoxic effect on Artemia salina was assessed by Brine shrimp assay. Brine shrimp lethality assay showed that LC50 values of HBM were obtained as 4.105 ± 2.42μg/ml. The bulb extract of H. lineata showed the highest larvicidal activity against Cx pipiens with value LC50 (64.3275μg/ml). This study suggested that H. lineata may be used as a potential source of antioxidant, and for their biological activity, cytotoxic and antimicrobial properties. © 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    Türkiye’deki Farklı Kıraat Anlayışlarıyla İlgili Değerlendirmeler

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    Our work includes understandings of different recitations in Turkey. This will be handled in two main headings: those who regard the recitations as the Qur'an and those who do not. The relationship between the Quran and recitation, narrativity of the recitations, the situation of the narration chains of recitation imams and the value of their recitations, preferences in the recitations, whether the recitations are opinion and taboo or not, the issue of seven letters and the relationship between seven letters and recitation will be handled within the framework of such understandings. In the last part, evaluations will be made on the relevant opinions and the current common recitations will be mentioned.Çalışmamızda Türkiye’deki farklı kıraat anlayışlarına yer verilecektir. Bu da kıraatleri Kur’ân’dan sayanlar ve saymayanlar şeklinde iki ana başlıkta ele alınacaktır. Kur’ân-kıraat ilişkisi, kıraatlerin mütevatirliği, kıraat imamlarının senetlerinin durumu ve okuyuşlarının değeri, kıraatlerdeki tercih, kıraatlerin içtihadi ve tabu olup olmaması, yedi harf ve yedi harf-kıraat ilişkisi gibi konular söz konusu anlayışlar çerçevesinde işlenecektir. Son bölümde ise ilgili görüşler hakkında değerlendirmeler yapılacak ve günümüzde yaygın olan kıraatlerden bahsedilecektir

    Joint Compartmented Threshold Access Structures

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    In this paper, we introduce the notion of a joint compartmented threshold access structure (JCTAS). We study the necessary conditions for the existence of an ideal and perfect secret sharing scheme and give a characterization of almost all ideal JCTASes. Then we give an ideal and almost surely perfect construction that realizes such access structures. We prove the asymptotic perfectness of this construction by the Schwartz-Zippel Lemma

    Anomalous origin of left internal mammary artery from distal subclavian artery

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    The internal mammary artery arises from the first part of the subclavian artery. The left internal mammary artery (LIMA) is an excellent graft for myocardial revascularization of the left anterior descending artery. In this article, we describe a quite important variation of an anomalous origin of LIMA, which is rarely seen. In our case, LIMA was arising from the distal of the third part of the subclavian artery. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to perform LIMA angiography before coronary artery bypass grafting surgery

    Wheel Hub Fatigue Performance under Non-constant Rotational Loading and Comparison to Eurocycle Test

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    AbstractWheel Eurocycle (EC) loading condition could be adapted to hub as a result of similar loading characteristics on vehicle. A correlation is constructed between road load data (RLD) for specified vehicles and EC test spectrum. To provide correlation between EC and RLD, test speed, axial and lateral loads at EC are converted to cyclic loading condition and relevant loading scenarios are generated. Rotational effect is taken into account. Pseudo-damage results of RLD and EC spectra are compared and expected fatigue lifetime for hub is presented

    Analysis of the radiation from aparture/printed antennas in the presence of periodic structures through numerical and asymptotic techniques

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    TÜBİTAK EEEAG Proje28.02.2010Proje kapsamında, yakınında saçıcıların bulunduğu elektriksel olarak büyük anten dizilerinin ışıma/saçınma problemini etkin bir şekilde analiz etmek için bir yöntem geliştirmek üzere çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Bu yöntem elektriksel olarak büyük dizilerin asimptotik ışın alan gösterimine ve dizi akımlarının Ayrık Fourier Dönüşüm ifadelerine dayanmaktadır. Gerçekçi anten dizilerinin üzerindeki akım dağılımının Ayrık Fourier Dönüşümünün, dizinin yakınında saçınmaya yol açabilecek nesneler olduğu durumda bile, belli bir bölgede yoğunlaşmış olduğu gösterilmiştir. Yakınında saçıcılar bulunan büyük anten dizilerinden ışıyan alanların, Kırınımın Birbiçimli Teorisi (Uniform Theory of Diffraction - UTD) tekniği kullanılarak analizi yapılmıştır. Akımların Ayrık Fourier Dönüşümünün bir bölgede yoğun olmasını ve büyük dizilerin UTD analizini kullanan etkin bir Momentler Yöntemi (MoM) algoritması önerilmiştir. Önerilen yöntem 2 boyutlu bir probleme uygulanmıştır: Yakınında sonsuz uzunlukta mükemmel iletken silindir olan sonsuz uzunluktaki akım elemanlarından oluşan doğrusal diziden ışıma problemi. Yöntemin doğruluğu ve etkinliği sayısal örnekler üzerinden tartışılmıştır. Saygın konferanslarda iki bildiri sunulmuştur. Ayrıca, proje kapsamında bir Master tezi çalışması başlatılmıştır ve bu tez çalışması süreci hala sürmektedir.In this project, an efficient method for the analysis of electromagnetic scattering/radiation from the obstacles nearby electrically large array antennas, with nonuniform excitation, has been developed. The approach is based on the combination of a ray field representation of electrically large arrays and a DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform) based representation of array current distribution. It has been shown that, the DFT expansion of current distribution of realistic arrays is very compact even in the presence of nearby scattering object. UTD (Uniform Theory of Diffraction) analysis of radiation from large arrays in the presence of nearby scattering object is developed. An efficient Method of Moments (MoM) algorithm which uses both the compactness of DFT of currents and UTD analysis of large arrays has been proposed. The proposed method has applied to a 2D problem: Radiation of a linear array of 2N+1 infinitely long current elements with tapered current distribution in the presence of an infinitely long PEC (Perfect Electric Conductor) cylinder. Accuracy and efficiency of the method have been discussed by numerical examples. Two conference papers have been presented in well known Conferences. Furthermore, one Master‟s Degree Thesis work has been initiated in the frame of this project and it is in progress now

    Sol internal torasik arterin proksimalinden çıkan gelişmiş aksesuar yan dal ve klinik önemi

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    İnternal torasik arter İTA subklavyan arterin birinci bölümünün alt yüzünden ayrılır. Sol ventrikül revaskülarizasyonunda, sol left İTA’nın LİTA sol ön inen koroner artere LAD anastomozu yapılmaktadır. Koroner arter hastalığı nedeniyle LİTA ve LAD arasında aorta-koroner bypass ameliyatı yapılan hasta egzersize bağlı göğüs ağrısı şikayeti ile başvurdu. Anjiografide LAD’ye anastomozu ya- pılan LİTA’nın hemen çıkış yerine yakın olmak üzere gelişmiş bir aksesuar yan dala sahip olduğu görüldü. Bu aksesuar yan dalın steal çalma fenomenine neden olduğu ve göğüs ağrısı yaptığı tespit edildi. Koroner arter bypass greftleme planlanan hastalarda LİTA ve dallarındaki olası varyasyonların değerlendirilmesi cerrahi sonrası problemleri önleyebili

    A rare anomaly: Double right coronary artery

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    Koroner arter anomalileri nadir görülen anomalilerdir. Bunlar genellikle semptom vermezler ve tesadüfen sap tanırlar. Çift sağ koroner arter (SKA) oldukça nadir görü len bir koroner arter anomalisidir. Çift SKA tanımlaması ve sınıflaması tartışmalı bir konu olmasına rağmen çoğu zaman benign bir durumdur. Ancak aterosklerozla komp like olup miyokart enfarktüsü (MI) gibi ciddi durumlara da sebep olabilir ve başka anomalilere de eşlik edebilir. Bi zim vakamızda akut anterior MI için yapılan koroner anji ografide çift SKA tespit edildi ve sonraki seansta başarılı perkütan koroner girişim uygulandı.Coronary artery anomalies are rare anomalies. These are usually asymptomatic and are discovered inciden tally. Double right coronary artery (RCA) is a rare coro nary artery anomaly. Although there is controversy about identification and classification of double RCA, it is often a benign condition, but it can be complicated by ath erosclerosis and can lead to serious conditions such as myocardial infarction (MI) and may be accompanied by other anomalies. In our case, double RCA were detected in coronary angiography for acute anterior MI, and in the next session successful percutaneous coronary interven tion was performed